
What Are You Doing in Secret?

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Why Hiding Information Is Harmful to Your Health | Psychology Today

Have you ever done something (good) because you knew someone was watching and you wanted to be recognized, praised or rewarded?

On the other hand, have you ever done something in secret because you knew it was wrong and you didn’t want anyone to see or know what you were doing?

I think we already know this, but sometimes we forget that God sees what man doesn’t see. There is nothing hidden from God.

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good (Proverbs 15:3).

God is not like man. Man rewards us for what they see us do in public, but God rewards us for what we do faithfully and in secret.

What are you doing in secret?

Your Father which sees in secret himself shall reward you openly (Matthew 6:4).